MCNSP is back! The second semester of Music Composition and Scoring Program started on 27th of July 2011. After about a month of break, the class was starting again.
Last semester we talk much about "Orchestra" whether the instrumentation, orchestration, or the technique to develop a good composition. In this semester we will learn about how to spot music into the movie scene. The film we will be using for the study case are "Ratatouille", "King", "American Beauty" and "Minggu Pagi di Victoria Park". We will also have classes with the experienced Post Production Studio Engineer, Satrio Budiono (Yoyo) to study about Basic Audio and Studio Technology.
The first class in this semester we were given the scores of one scene in "Ratatouille" named Dinner Rush. We learned about "Spotting and Composition Analysis"
First thing, we listened the main theme of Ratatouille. We have to remember the theme so we can analyze how the theme evolve in a certain kind of mood.
Then we listened to the music of Dinner Rush scene. We analyze the instrumentation. The mood. Dynamic. The composition.
Then we read the scores without listening to the music (this is the most confusing part)
Then we had to listen to the music while reading the scores (this is also confusing -_-)
Then we watched the scene "Dinner Rush" without thinking just enjoying the movie (the best part)
Then we start to analyze how the music evolve in every part of the scene. Whenever the environment changes, whenever the mood changes, whenever the character reacts. Every detail of the music gives "life" into the movie. Every hit and stressing is placed in the right spot (that's why they call this "spotting")
My teacher said, learning about music in movie is more like being a detective in CSI. We were given the "killing scene" (the movie) then we have to reconstruct how it happened (the music dynamic) and the motive (the music pattern). We have to analyze how the composer imagined the mood for a movie.